齐鲁网·闪电新闻5月13日讯 夏天的傍晚,从海尔冰箱里拿出一瓶青岛啤酒,打开海信电视,炒一盘来自寿光的新鲜蔬菜……你以为自己身在山东,其实,这些场景可能发生在地球上你意想不到的角落。从衣食住行到高端装备,越来越多的“山东出产”,已经在不知不觉中,影响着全世界的生活。
In summer nights,imagine grabbing a chilled Tsingtao Beer from your Haier refrigerator, switching on your Hisense TV, and preparing a stir-fry with fresh vegetables from Shouguang. You might picture yourself in Shandong, but these everyday scenes could be happening in unexpected corners of the globe.
From daily necessities to high-end equipment, more and more products "Made in Shandong" are subtly influencing lives all over the world.
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